General Flexibility Needs

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Here are 2 sequences of stretches that will help you with your flexibility and movement.

The first sequence is a general fundamental program for all-over basic flexibility. These 6 exercises address the most common problem areas for the majority of people.

The second is a restorative sequence of 4 exercises for those of us who spend a lot of time in front of a desk or in front of a steering wheel. 

To get the most out of these, you must first learn how to stretch so do that lesson first!

Then you need to go through each individual exercise to understand what they are about.

Once you are familiar with the stretching protocol and stretches, you can then just do them in order or you can use the follow along routines.The follow along routines also show different progressions/regressions for each exercise so if you are not quite as flexible as you want to be right now, then there are options for you.

General Flexibility Needs

How to Stretch

1 Lesson

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How to StretchThere are different ways to stretch, but it all boils down to 2 basic types: dynamic and static.We will use both to fully stimulate changes in your flexibility in each session. You will use this method to gently but progressively improve your ability to perform the exercises and attain an increased range of motion.

Text lesson

General Daily Routine

7 Lessons

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Target MusclesChest, shoulders, biceps, thoracic spine, hamstrings.

Video lesson

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Target MusclesSpinal rotators, rhomboids, obliques, abdominals.

Video lesson

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Target MusclesHip flexors, quadriceps, hip internal rotators.

Video lesson

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Target MusclesHip rotators, hip extensors.

Video lesson

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Target MusclesShoulder external rotators, anterior shoulder, chest.

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Target MusclesAbdominals, hip flexors.

Video lesson

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This sequence is a general fundamental program for all-over basic flexibility. These 6 exercises address the most common problem areas for the majority of people.Following along with the routine here will take you 23 minutes.

Video lesson

Desk Jockey

5 Lessons

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Target MusclesAbdominals, hip flexors.

Video lesson

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Target MusclesHip flexors, quadriceps, hip internal rotators.

Video lesson

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Target MusclesHip flexors, abdominals, chest, anterior shoulders, biceps.

Video lesson

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Target MusclesChest, deltoids, biceps.

Video lesson

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 This is a restorative sequence for those of us who spend a lot of time in front of a desk or in front of a steering wheel. The act of sitting has recently been accused of being worse for us than smoking. Though I believe this is a gross exaggeration, it's not untrue to say that sitting for hours at a time is indeed not the best thing for us.These four exercises counteract the seated position, with an emphasis on spinal extension and lengthening the hip flexors.Following along with the routine here will take you 15 minutes.

Video lesson

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